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Making corrections in your tax forms

Information regarding how to correct tax forms that have been previously filed.


Please note: You will need to mail in the red forms you want to correct, they cannot be e-filed again.  The red forms needed cannot be downloaded from the internet due to the special red ink on them, so you must purchase them from the IRS or an office supply store. 

If you have made some mistakes on a W-2/1099 form  you have already E-filed, please follow the steps below to make the necessary corrections.

If you have E-filed using Formswift, please follow the directions via this link:


If you did not E-file through formswift.com, please follow the below directions to correct your forms:

To correct a W-2 form:
1) You need to use IRS Form W-2c "Corrected Wage and Tax Statements".
2) You will need to mail in the form to the IRS directly, you cannot E-file it again.

Please refer to the IRS website for the proper mailing address for your state.

To correct a 1099 form:
1) Please open/download a regular 1099 form and fill out the corrected information.  If available, please click on the corrected box on top of the form.
2) Once completed, you will need to mail in the form to the IRS directly, you cannot E-file it again.

Please refer to the IRS website for the proper mailing address for your state.
Please refer to IRS publication 1220 for further information regarding the filing of these corrected forms.