How do I send a fax?

  1. Upload a PDF version of your document
    1. Click on the "Send a New Fax" button near the top of the page
      1. Click on the Online Fax tab
        1. Enter the fax number of your recipient
          • Please note that if you are sending international faxes, you can click on the country flag to modify the country code
        2. Login into your FormSwift account
    • Currently FormSwift only allows for one PDF file per send, if you have multiple PDF's to fax please send them separately
  2. Click on the "Send Fax" button

After sending out a fax, you’ll be taken to a success page confirming that your fax is in progress. You will then receive an update on the status of your fax via email. Please be sure to check your spam folder if you do not see an update in your inbox.